Deborah Griffin website


Personal Geography
My current exploration of place has taken me on a journey to several different locales, ranging from my current home of Alameda and northern California to Arkansas the place I was born, and back through one of my favorite places on the planet, New Mexico, particularly the Santa Fe area. These photographs are a visual record of that journey.

The following selection includes pieces from the series Journey Home and Santa Fe Scenes. Every year I make a pilgrimage of sorts to Santa Fe to explore the art world and come away with images of that very distinctive area of adobe walls and dramatic shadows. My work explores both the subtlety and the intensity of this very special place.

Last year I spent time in my native Arkansas visiting the places where I grew up. Somehow black and white imagery seems to best depict the memories and nostalgia evoked by that journey.

I’ve also included a miscellany of images including nudes, buildings and items that catch my eye or intrigue me.

slide show of photography

This will be live soon

Artist Statement

photography statement

more photograpy

new direction coming soon.